Industries in Gujarat
Gujarat has been the
front-runner in the overall economic development of the country all these
years, as is evident from the fact that with mere 6% of geographical area and
5% of the population of India, the state contributes to 21% of the country’s
exports and 6.42% of the national GDP at constant prices. If the decadal growth
of performance of some of the Indian states vis-à-vis other Asian economies
with that of Gujarat is compared, one gets quite an encouraging scenario. The
industrial growth of Gujarat with a figure of 8.52% could be way ahead of many
Indian states and other Asian Tigers viz. Singapore, Malaysia and Korea.
Flexibility of Labour Laws: A unique feature of Gujarat
Gujarat is one of a very
few states, which has embarked upon the path of labour reforms. The
‘flexibility’ aspect of labour reforms of Gujarat might strengthen its position
as an ideal destination for investment besides other factors, in the coming
years. In addition, initiatives like Self-Certification and Single Business Act
would leave an indelible mark as one of the best in the contemporary
environment. The Government however reiterates its faith in the statement that
– Development should not be at the cost of Environment. At the same time, it
should not be used as an alibi for stalling the developmental pace. An honest
attempt would also be made to organize the agriculture commodities business by inculcating
the element of professionalism and by extensive use of modern technology in the