Gujarat benchmarking with Asian Tiger Economies
Gujarat benchmarking with Asian Tiger Economies

The State acknowledges this fact that given the position of strength it enjoys, complacency should not be permitted to set in and that the current position has to be leveraged to a level wherein the industries of Gujarat can successfully compete against their counterparts elsewhere in the world by benchmarking with the erstwhile Asian Tiger Economies. The Government of Gujarat thus proposes to achieve an average annual industrial growth rate of 15%+ on a sustained basis to fulfill the overall economic growth target of 10.2% set by the Government of India.

In the backdrop of this situation, the Government of Gujarat has decided to bring out the New Industrial Policy by spelling out its strategies keeping in mind the requirements of the present-day industries to not only strengthen its industrial base but also consolidate the gains achieved all these years in the interest of overall economic development of the state. The state is now determined to lead the rest of the country by emerging as a Model Industrialized State in Asia.