Information: The Key to Success for any business enterprise
is the era of information and awareness. The person who has maximum information
on the subject he deals with will ultimately win amongst all his competitors.
This dictum is true in the case of establishing and managing any business
enterprise. The Government realizes this fact and has thus decided to equip the
new entrepreneurs as well as the existing enterprises with the latest
information available in the relevant fields. A new entrepreneur would require
information right from the stage of selection of a project, market potential,
availability of infrastructure at different alternative locations, Government
assistance and facilitation, economic and social indicators, regulatory
framework governing a particular industry/activity, compliance of laws, pollution
norms, procedural aspects, etc.
At the
state level, iNDEXTb has been functioning to act a single point contact for all
the information needs of an entrepreneur since last over 25 years. The services
of iNDEXTb have been very widely acknowledged by the industrial community not
only in India but also in many parts of the world. The Government now plans to
make available all the relevant information at the district level by installing
information kiosks at important places. In addition, capacity building of the
counseling staff is also envisaged by imparting training. For the purpose, the
Government of Gujarat would like to make extensive use of information
technology at all the levels.